Here are a few more pictures I wanted to post of our little family. I should really put a family picture on the header of my blog, but I just love that picture too much:-)
We had our annual apple picking party in my grandparents backyard. They have 2 apple trees and we go and help them pick them every fall. The kids were really helpful this year and each wanted to have a turn on the ladder. I didn't take too many pictures, but Parker took a nice one of their birds in the apple tree.
So needless to say we've been eating lots of apples. Applesauce, apple juice, apple get the picture:-)
Cory and I have been married for 10 years and have 4 cute kids. They keep me busy with laundry, messes, tears(theirs, but sometimes mine), having fun and a lot of laughs. Cory works hard for our family and makes it possible for me to experience all the joys of motherhood.