I had a doctors appointment today and I had both boys with me which is always fun....not really they get a little wild. I think they like to go because when I'm all done they get to pick a goodie out of the "treat drawer". So I step up on the scale like always and I hit the 30 pound mark, which made me squeal with excitement, so afterward I went to Krispy Kreme for a celebratory 6 pack of doughnuts! Okay maybe I didn't, but I know Spencer would not have turned down such an offer. There are two things that kid loves: doughnuts and dinosaurs. Now a dinosaur shaped doughnut would be the ultimate treat.
So, yes I'm feeling a bit "Gloria" like if you will with all my weight gain. I had an ultrasound and the little miss has flipped herself around and now her head is up. We went down to my parents last weekend and one night I woke up feeling like there was Kung Fu fighting going on in my belly so that might explain it.
They measured her and she is 4 and 1/2 pounds and I'm 31 weeks, but she is measuring 33 weeks. So I guess that means she will be a big baby OR she will be born a little early which is what I'm hoping for.
Cory and I have differing opinions on this. He wants her to be born in June and I'm hoping for the last week in May. (My due date is May 31st) His reason for wanting June is that in May we already have Mother's Day, our anniversary, and my birthday so it's a little packed already with joy, gift giving and.....him stressing out about the gift giving. The reason I want May is that he is going to scout camp on June 15th. A 2 weeks old baby + a 5 year old + a 3 year old + no husband for 6 days = well, you do the math. Not that a week will make a big difference, him being gone will be hard regardless of how old the baby is when he goes.
My plan is to go to my parents while he is gone where I will have my mom and grammy to help me endure the "newborn hangover". *During Cory's camping hiatus he will be enjoying sleeping soundly in a tent up in the mountains which he loves! It's like asking the question 'does a bear poop in the woods'? And the answer is: YES. So does Cory enjoy camping? YES! The reason I compare the two is that Cory sleeps like a hibernating grizzly bear while camping so it just felt natural to compare the two questions.
*Cory I know you are going to read this and remember I love you:)