Merry Christmas! We went and saw Santa a few weeks ago and much to our surprise Mataya just sat right on his lap and happily accepted a candy cane:)
Fast forward to Christmas Eve. We went to my parents this year and it's been a long standing tradition to have crab. My Dad is a pro at cooking them just right. My two favorite people to watch eat them were my Dad and Parker:) And I love Mataya's "cheese" face. My cute parents with the empty crab shell pile. I love my Dad's buttery chin. Parker, the boy with the hollow!
Christmas morning was fun. Santa gave us lots of great stuff:) This was the best pic I could get of Mataya she was such a busy butt. She was loving all her baby stuff.
I think she was wanting me to take off her pants so she could try on some of her new clothes. That's quite the face and hair!
Spencer and Parker in their matching p.j.'s from Grandma and Grandpa Blackwell. Spencer woke up and he wasn't very excited and didn't seem like himself. He was opening presents and discovered a poptart holder with a poptart in it and he quickly ate it.
But then he sort of sat there and started to look pale. I told him to go close to the bathroom in case he needed to throw up. Well he did throw up in the hallway going towards the bathroom. And once we got that cleaned up he was back to his old self. He just sort of came alive and was talking and got really excited about his presents. I guess he just needed to throw up his Christmas poptart and then it was all good after!
"Inner peace"
Parker with his Kung Zhu pets resting on his knees.
Once all the gifts were open the boys got down to business of playing with their stuff while topless.
Grandpa and Parker playing gladiator on the Playstation Move. Parker kicked every one's butt.
My sister and her family stopped by on Monday and we finally got to meet our cute little niece Zoe. She is such a doll and you can't see in the pic, but Mataya is standing below me having a panic attack over me holding someone other than her.
Thanks Mom and Dad for the fun Christmas. And, Mom, especially for the carmel AND chocolate covered!
Cory and I have been married for 10 years and have 4 cute kids. They keep me busy with laundry, messes, tears(theirs, but sometimes mine), having fun and a lot of laughs. Cory works hard for our family and makes it possible for me to experience all the joys of motherhood.