I picked up my copy of "A Mother's Influence" by Margaret D. Nadauld while cleaning my room today and read something I wanted to share.
"Every time a child kneels at a mother's knee to pray, the child is taught.
When going to church is the expected natural course of events each week, a child is taught.
When classroom teachings are discussed at home, a child is taught, twice.
When home teachers are welcomed with appreciation, a child is taught.
When titihing is paid first and regarded as important, a child is taught.
When parents love the Lord and find joy in living His teachings, a child is taught.
When a parent repents and asks forgiveness of a child, a child is taught and then forgives and forgets.
When a parent honors marital vows with complete fidelity, a child is taught and feels safe.
When scriptures are part of teaching in the home, a child is taught, by the Spirit as well as by the word.
When a parent is seen reading for enjoyment and information, a child is taught.
When parents read to a child, a child is taught, and feels loved."