Monday, January 30, 2012


This year started out with a bang. Cory got laid off on January 12th and then the next day (Friday the 13th) was his last day. It was very shocking. I believe that company stopped deserving Cory loooong ago! He has worked so hard for the last year so it's just a huge bummer. They laid off several employees so it was sad for a lot of poeple. We know things happen for a reason and there will be something bigger and better in our future!So, since Cory has had a little free time we decided to do a total master bedroom makeover. Truthfully, we've never done anything with it decorating or paint wise.This is the paint colors we were going for. We ended up choosing one of these gray colors. When I've got it more decorated and cute I'll post pictures.Mataya was extremely helpful throughout the process with cleaning and taping the walls. Here is the taping she did in one of the corners. Cory does start his new job in a week so I've got to use him while I've got him. So far we have rearranged our bedroom and painted it, rearranged our family room, and done a lot of cleaning and we watch The Price is Right every morning:) So we have all enjoyed seeing more of Dad. A couple of weeks ago Spencer came home from school and looked at Cory and then looked at me and said, "What is HE doing here?" So hilarious!