Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Parker turns 8!

Since Parker's birthday was on a Sunday (the 12th of Feb.) we celebrated the day before by going to the movie Journey 2 and eating dinner at TGI Friday's. Parker planned the menu for his birthday which was pancakes for breakfast, and German pancakes and bacon for dinner. We do love our breakfast foods around here!
One thing he has been excited about is being in Cub Scouts. He loves to go to scouts every week and is working hard on all his requirements. As you keep reading keep in mind my children are dressed most of the time just not in most of these pictures;)
Enjoying Parker's birthday dessert.
Spencer was shocked when we told him that it was Parker's 8th birthday that very day!
He finally got his globe. He was so excited!
I got this basketball/dartboard at Sports Authority for $5.....SCORE!

We love you buddy boy. We are looking forward to your baptism in a couple of weeks:-)