Monday, November 12, 2012

motherhood. it's not for sissies.

With the birth of my fourth, beautiful child I realized quickly that I am elbow deep in motherhood. I panic at least once a day about how cluttered and messy my house is. I have a hard enough time wiping the kitchen table off after each meal. Mataya has started to let me do her hair for church on Sundays. It brings me much joy to roll her hair is pink sponge rollers on Saturday night just like my mom did when I was a little girl. It's funny how you experience things as a mother and you are completely stopped in your tracks and realize just how much your mother did for you for so many years. And did it will love and goodness. I know that those moments will keep coming in life because here I am a 31 year old woman and I still need my mom's kind words and encouragement.
Spencer lost his second tooth last night and he put his tiny tooth in a treasure box and placed it on his dresser for the tooth fairy to find. I went to check on the boys before I went to bed and as I watched them sleep I was overcome with joy. And, at the same time, I was so sad. I love every stage and age my kids are at, but I find myself not wanting it to ever change.
When our house is crazy and loud and messy and we are trying to get out the door for church AND poor Benson has been crying for 30 straight minutes that Sunday mornings are the most intense, stressful two and a half hours of my life!
But, honestly, I know that these days are so fleeting and I can feel it. It's so hard, but it is so wonderful. And like my own mother always says...these are the best days of your life! I couldn't agree more.