Friday, March 30, 2012

birthday bash in SLC.

We spent the day celebrating Spencer's birthday. We went to Salt Lake and went to the new Utah Natural History Museum. Here is Spencer reading the map at the museum and figuring out where we should start. He was so excited when we got there.
On the top floor there was lots of cool stuff about weather. They had stuff outdoor on the roof and it was mighty windy, but the view was great.


Spencer knew lots of the names of the dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures like stuff most people have never even heard of. He was so happy to see them in real life. This is a Dire Wolf. He was so cute leading the charge at this part of the museum.

I love Spencer's face pressed up against the glass with his little pig nose.

Holding hands.
We went to Liberty Park to kill some time before we went to dinner. It always cracks me up when Cory says, "Let's go to Pioneer Park!" And I give him a terrified look....he gets the two names mixed up.

As we were leaving there was some guys with a big dog. The owner said she was really friendly and her name was Zoe. She was eye to eye with Mataya and licked her right on the face. Mataya just giggled and said, "He licked me."
We went to Spaghetti Factory for dinner. The kids each had a free kids meals from the reading program from school (and even one for little sister). And we had a HUGE (well huge to me) thing happen at the restaurant. Mataya had not used the bathroom since we left the house at around 12. And it was now after 5, she has been terrified to use public restrooms, she would never even sit on the toilet every place we would go. She was so frightened by the noises and everything. I told Cory that maybe he should take all the kids to use the bathroom. Well, she just marched right in and sat down and went! We have literally tried at a dozen places over the last two months. She came back just smiling and proud. And from that point on she has used the bathroom whenever we are away from home. Ahh, thanks DAD!
The birthday kid with his gourmet mac 'n cheese.
Me and my cute boys! And a soon-to-be baby brother or sister to join our family in September!
This was such a fun day from beginning to end. I'm so blessed to have my beautiful family!