Saturday, October 4, 2008

This is Parker doing our ward 5K race. Some people run and a lot of kids ride bikes, scooters, etc. He takes it very seriously. He looks forward to it for weeks. I tried to run with him last time and didn't take into account his very competitive nature. He was long gone and Cory had to drive to find him and make sure he knew the way to go. He started preparing for the race after dinner by doing pushups and stretching. It was awesome! He took 3rd place behind two boys on bikes that were 11 and 12. Go Parker!!! He is already looking forward to the day when he can do triathlons. I think he needs to be 6 or 7 so I've got a couple of years to train him:o)

This is Spencer on the phone. Whenever the boys get mad at me they threaten to call Cory. Parker will call him and say, "Mommy has been naughty!" Spencer will usually just say, "I want my daddy, I don't like you!" Gee, thanks guys. Way to make mom feel special.

This is our dog Pepper. We've had her for 3 years now. We got her when she was a puppy. She is a great dog and she is small and weighs the same as Spencer (28 pounds) so the boys like to play with her and wrestle. Parker thinks she is big enough that he can ride on her back and he trys all the time and she really hates it.