Sunday, August 30, 2009

sleeping under the stars

Dad and the boys planned a campout for Friday night, but it ended up happening on Saturday night. Cory had to go to Monticello on Friday. He left the house at 5:30 and got home around 7 that night. Needless to say he was a little tired!
Setting up for the campout. When Spencer saw the little tent that he and Parker would sleep in and saw that Daddy would be sleeping on his cot he said, "Mom, we need a bigger tent!" What would a campout be without a treat? We made Snickerdoodle Chex Mix....mmmm, so good! Getting snuggled in. Pepper joined in on the camping fun. This is Cory reading Lord of The Rings to the boys with his headlamp. What a great dad...he's always up for an adventure. After we set up the tent and got things situated we came in and the boys immediately ran in and got their pajamas on and were ready to go to bed. And they couldn't wait to get back out there.
Thanks, Dad, for another adventure!