Friday, June 4, 2010

happy birthday angel girl.

Happy Birthday Mataya Mae!

This beautiful girl joined our family 1 year ago. I didn't think life could get much better with my two cute, rowdy boys...then she came along and my world felt bigger and brighter. Leading up to the days before she was born I was miserable, of course, and I would go to her room and open her closet door and look in at all the tiny pink and purple clothes and longed for the moment when she would join our family and I could dress, feed, bathe, and hold her and she could sleep in her crib and be all ours.

June 4, 2009......our little girl arrived. Soon after she was born I held her as she looked all around with big blue eyes and I never knew anything more beautiful than this perfect gift straight from heaven. And knowing that she was of MY daughter....almost made my heart burst!
Thanks for joining our family! We love you beautiful girl!