Wednesday, June 9, 2010

red velvet cupcake.

My day started out like any other. I got up at 4:45...went to the gym and did Body Pump and some running, came home got ready, drank a diet rock star, got the kids ready and headed to swimming lessons at 9:30. (Okay, who am I kidding my days don't normally start out that way?!)
As Mataya and I were hanging out watching the boys swim I remember a coupon I had in my purse for Sweet Cake's. It was a buy one get one free cookie coupon. I knew the boys would love a giant delicious cookie (who wouldn't?)!
We pull up at 10:45....they open at 11....we waited a bit. We could see in the window as they were setting up sweet breads, cupcakes, and cookies and finally that moment arrived when they unlocked the door. My boys practically busted the door down because they wanted to in Parker's words "the first customer of the day!"
I decided to take a red velvet cupcake to my sister who lives close by. She loves these cupcakes and so do I! It was her day off so it worked out great. We had a fun time playing, swimming, and chatting.
So that is the picture above of the infamous red velvet cupcake that they make. It is TO DIE FOR! They are so delicious I can't put it into words and I ate it with a fork because I couldn't take a bite with that mountain of yummy frosting. I could dedicate an entire blog post about the frosting, but I won't. Just know that they are heavenly! And everything they make is gluten free.
Check them won't be sorry!