Friday, December 19, 2008

A shopping snack....

So I dropped Parker off at school this morning and then me and Spencer headed out to do some power shopping. I've been a last minute shopper this year and it's crazy out there people. We had been to a couple of stores and I thought we needed a little pick-me-up at Maverick (soda). So I'm filling up my cup and I smell something delicious. I know it's hard to believe that you could smell something good in a convenient store, but I have the nose of a blood hound. It was the smell of jalapenos. I look all around trying to spot the good stuff and I found it. I have never in my life bought food like this from a convenient store, but it smelled so good. And it tasted delicious! My mouth was on fire by the time I finished it, but it was worth it in the end. I guess I better head off to the gym:)