Monday, January 5, 2009

Our Christmas...

We had the opportunity of going to South Dakota to celebrate Christmas with Cory's family, it was a lot of fun. Once we made sure that Santa knew where to bring our presents we were good to go. So I promised many family and friends that I would stop putting food on my blog, but I had to put this on here. Why might you ask? Because it was all made by my amazingly talented mother-in-law. At first I asked her if she bought all of it at Costco? When she told me she had made all of it I almost died. And the real kicker is she doesn't even eat the stuff. That is some self control if I've ever seen it! The chocolate peanut clusters were my favorite if you were wondering. Spencer had a delightful, dinosaur filled Christmas. He hoped that every present he opened contained a dinosaur. There were many dinos and he was in heaven.
Spencer is cuddled up taking a nap with his new dino blanket that Grandma Jones made. This has become the new "blankie" for him. We accidently left his blanket at Melissa's house on New Year's Eve and decided to take a chance and leave it there for a couple of days and he eventually forgot about it....yeah! It was so ragged it was Parker's blanket for 2 years and then it got passed to Spencer so it's been being used for a good 5 years, you could see through the material it was so worn out. We are glad to have a nice warm replacement.
Grandma Vesely made him this apron. Parker loves to help in the kitchen so this was so perfect for him.
There's nothing like playing Wii bowling in a red cowboy hat.
This is Storybook Island. Cory and I got engaged here 7 years ago. I've got Ironman to keep me safe.
We had fun, but it was sure cold there. The best part was we went to the gift shop after and Grandpa bought the kids a toy. Parker picked out a snake and Spencer a dinosaur.....go figure!
New jammies made by Grandma.