Monday, April 26, 2010

big girl.

Cute little Mataya after her bath. She is such a delightful little girl. Yesterday the boys were playing in their room and she crawled in there as fast as she could before they could shut the door. Then I heard, "Mom, Mataya is throwing our toys," and "Can you please get her out of here?" Oh, this is only the beginning! Parker came in and said, "Mom, Mataya kept throwing toys at me and one hit me in the face. This is the first time I've ever been mad at her." I guess there is a first time for everything:)

Now that she is mobile nothing is off limits. She is so fun and such a happy baby. She can sign milk, more, and all done. She loves to say "Pepper" (our dog's name). And she loves to go "bye-bye" and "ni-night". She started blowing kisses and loves to wave. She also loves to yell loudly...especially in Relief Society....hmm why is that?!