Wednesday, May 5, 2010

this and that.

Little Miss Cuteness. Cory got to take the boys to the Bee's season opener with some work people. They got to be in a suite and eat hot dogs and popcorn, the boys were in heaven. They came home with big yellow foam fingers and this shirt for Mataya.

Parker is showing her his baseball glove and ball. Mataya already loves to play with light sabers, she's lucky to have brothers.
We recently bought Rock Band. (I know we are a little behind the times:) Spencer loves to do the guitar.
I love this picture, quite frankly! That drummer looks very serious and the singer...well the pictures speaks for itself.

Mataya really was happy crawling around the grass until I grabbed the camera and she started to get a little grumpy.And this face is saying, "enough cold, rainy weather already!"
Parker enjoying the rain with his umbrella.