Saturday, February 21, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

I've been tagged a few times with this one and so here it is:

1 - I love the Food Network Channel.
2 - I really love to workout. I love to sweat and feeling those sore muscles the next day remind me how hard I worked.
3 - When I was a kid I wanted to be the Little Mermaid. Who wouldn't want to swim around the ocean looking beautiful with a nice singing voice?
4 - I love being a mom. It's the most difficult and rewarding job ever!
5 - I secretly wish I could do and Iron man triathlon someday.
6 - I have a mini panic attack on a daily basis at the thought of 3 kids. Cory likes to say, "Well, there's no turning back now."....thanks babe!
7 - I'm a little claustrophobic. I have been ever since I was a kid.
8 - In college I was a waitress at a Chinese restaurant. I loved it because I got to eat good, free Chinese food almost everyday...yummy!
9 - When I was younger my dad would always ask me to help with things around the house that would normally be reserved as "boy jobs". That is if my brothers weren't around. I would mow the lawn, paint the house, or lift heavy things.
10 - I hated my kindergarten teacher. She was so mean to me and would write nasty things on my homework papers. My mom saved all of them for the whole year and showed them all to the principal. That was her last year teaching kindergarten. Oh and the teacher's birthday was on Halloween....coincidence, I think not!
11- My mom was my teacher in 1st and 2ND grade.
12- I got baptized in Lake Powell.
13 - I played the cello in high school. My mom, Melissa, and Emilee played the violin we were a musical quartet.
14 - I have a love of Mountain's real and it's deep:)
15 - We started reading the Book of Mormon as a family in Jan '08. Our goal is to finish before the baby is born. I think we might actually make it.
16 - While dating Cory I got to fulfill a lifelong dream of seeing a Braves baseball game with him while he was living in Atlanta, GA.
17 - I really enjoy sleeping.
18 - I had to have my appendix removed at the age of 16. It had ruptured and I ended up getting pneumonia and being in the hospital for 9 days.
19 - I went on my first date the day I got out of the hospital. It was the prom. My date was getting nervous that I wouldn't make it.
20 - I love John Grishom books. I think I've read almost all of them.
21 - My husband is 8 years older than me....a fact I like to remind him of often:)
22 - We got married on May 8th which is Cory's parent's anniversary. And Cory's mom is 8 years younger than his dad.....funny, huh?!
23 - Parker was born on my sis-in-law's (MaryAnn) birthday. Spencer was born on my sister's (Melissa) birthday.
24 - I'm love trying new recipes which can be a good and bad thing. Sometimes it's a hit and sometimes it's a miss. Cory lets me know if it's good or bad! (I do appreciate the honesty)
25 - I'm really not an animal lover, but I married one so we do have a dog. Cory keeps telling me we need a, no we don't.