Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Valentine's Day....

So I forgot to write about what my wonderful, romantic husband did for me for Valentine's day...well, it was more like 12 days of romance. It all started on February 2nd, I got a little delivery at my door and it continued up until the big day of love. I was particularly fond of days 3, 4, and 5. Three chocolate covered strawberries, four chocolate brownies, 5 delicious chocolates....he scored some big points with this prego. I called him to ask if they were all food and chocolate related.....sadly they were not:) I did get romantic poems, flowers, balloons, a c.d. of love songs. There was even a Barry White song on there, so it was funny and romantic. It was really fun to get something new everyday, it took some planning and effort and it made me feel very loved and special. I have an awesome husband with just the right amount love and laughter.