Monday, January 4, 2010

bring on 2010!

We had a great New Year's Eve party at my sister's house. We ate prime rib, shrimp, crab, potatoes, chip, dip, salad, and cheesecake. My Dad was in charge of the menu and when that happens you know it's going to be good:) The man loves his food! Gotta hurry and pack in all of the eating before the new year begins. I figure if I pack on a few extra pounds then any weight loss in the near future will seem more impressive.
We rocked out on my bro-in-law's instruments. Spencer loves music and musical instruments so he was really in his element. I love his face in this pic.
Parker enjoyed banging on the drums.Grandma and Grandpa Blackwell spoiled us with gifts. Mataya is so excited about her new outfit. The boys showing off their matchy Adidas outfits. Parker loves his new crayon carrier from his cousin Abbi! I made little goodie bags for the kids and Lexi really enjoyed her sucker. We were clearly so excited for the New Year to begin....we could hardly contain our excitement!
Bring on 2010!