Friday, January 29, 2010

scooter and a craft.

My day started out with my little Wolverine riding his new Transformer scooter. Spencer earned this scooter and he has yet to take it outside so for now he scoots around the house from room to room. I watched him scoot to the bathroom, heard the toilet flush and then out he came. It's his favorite mode of transportation!
I had a little project I wanted to do for Mataya's room. It started with this frame I got at a second hand store for a few dollars.
And this is the finished product. I saw something similar to this online for $35...I made this for around $8! I wanted something to hang her flowers and hair things on and I thought this was a fun idea because it is cute and functional.
I love the pink and brown material. I had a moment in JoAnn's right there in the fabric section when I saw this material I got so excited I was a little embarrassed afterwards:)