Tuesday, January 5, 2010

warning...it's ugly people

I wasn't going to even post these because of the hideous nature of them...but I've had some requests. I washed my hair the day before and had just let it go. So I hadn't actually done it so it was a hot mess. I showed my sister these and she said, "Whoa, did you just wake up?" I knew it had gone too far when Cory called me and said, "I made you an appointment to get your hair done." He didn't even ask he just went ahead and made the appointment....what a great husband!Here is the after. I think this is the first time I've come home from getting my hair done feeling like it was a little too flat. I used to go to a girl and every time I would come home with the "Mormon Dome" (as Cor would say) and it would take me about 10 minutes to comb it.