Thursday, February 4, 2010

another little swimmer.

I thought I better post pics of Parker in swim lessons. He has perma-grin the whole time. After his second lesson he said, "Mom, I thought swimming was going to be easy, but it's hard!" The teacher tried to have him swim a very short distance and he sunk like a stone...we've got some work to do:) Parker always thinks everything will be easy so it's good for him to be humbled just a lil' bit.This is my latest thing in Mataya's room. I bought these silk flowers and just added them to the knobs on her dresser. Her dresser is one that we got when Parker was a baby so it's been well-loved and used so I wanted to add a little something to it without doing anything major (like painting or staining). So a few dollars later....and we've got a little added cutesy in her room.
Heather, you are right having Mataya has made me more crafty indead!