Monday, February 15, 2010

last week I learned.

Last week I learned that:
driving my boys to swimming lessons a total of 6 times is exhausting. Spencer is done for now...phew!
Making sugar cookies with two wild boys can be a lot of fun if you have the patience. It's fun to be a proud mom and hear your son tell his class all about his "Star Student" poster.

Parker likes to wear his hair to school like this. His exact words were, "Mom, other boys in my class come to school with crazy hair!"

Parker really enjoyed bringing Kinderbear home for the night and writing about their time together in the class book.

Getting money in the mail for your birthday is about the coolest thing ever. (Thanks Great Grandma Jean)

Getting Valentine's cards in the mail with money in them totally rock!

That making 28 candy tractors for Parker's birthday treat for school resulted in 4 hours of my life that I will never get back!

I love Betty Crocker cake mix and frosting! I know these are pathetic, but Parker loved them.

Having a pizza picnic in the kitchen with 16 kids is the only way to go.

That these cute girls have some sweet dance moves:)

I love having all my sisters at my house!