Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Recently, my sister and her family moved from Salt Lake to South Ogden....yeah! We love having our cousins so close. We went and visited them at their house and then we went to this park and splash pad that was only a few blocks away. Parker had no problem running out there like a maniac getting wet and having fun. Spencer, on the other hand, was a little more cautious and had to watch all the kids for a bit before he decided to join in. Waiting for the water to dump on his head........
Lexi was joining in on the water fun (with the help of her mom).
Thankfully G.G. came and held Mataya most of the time and hung out in the shade. That made it possible for me to be with the boys, thanks Grandma! She slept the whole time, which is nice for now. We just pack her up with us and she doesn't seem to mind a bit. She woke up once for a diaper change and to eat.
Spencer was my little shadow the whole time we were there. He got a little wet....not my his choice a little girl totally sprayed him and that ended his efforts in the water area.
It's days like this that remind me how great it is to be a mom. I love being a stay-at-home mom as well because I always get to be with my kids and do fun stuff. It's a lot of work to go places (and even more so with 3 kids:-), but it's always worth the effort of seeing them have fun.