Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I hate it when this happens

I debated on whether or not to post this so viewer discretion is advised.

It all started out on a pleasant February day. I decided I would let the nice people at McDonald's make lunch for us. Spencer and I picked Parker up from school at 11:45 and headed over to the place that brings a smile to every kid's face. This particular McDonald's is very close to our house and has only been there for a few months so the play land doesn't quite have that fermented sweaty foot smell that is normally accompanied by this experience. And since Spencer lives on yogurt, chocolate milk, and top ramen (sound familiar college students?) it's nice to come here because he loves their chicken nuggets.

We order our food and find a booth in the play area and get ready to eat. In walks two women and their kids and they sit near us I didn't think much of it until I looked up to see this:

Ummm, I spy with my little eye a black thong with pink polka dots.

Now I just came here to eat lunch with my kids and let them play and have a good time, but what I didn't know is that I would witness a wardrobe malfunction. Now there were many a kid that ran by and one would think feeling a slight breeze in an unexpected area would trigger you to pull down your shirt, but it didn't happen. I am in now way passing judgement on the types of undergarments that people choose to wear. Wear what you please, go commando if you want! I just really don't want to see them!

I betting that every person that reads this has had an experience similar to this where you go out in public and get a little more that you bargained for and catch a glimpse of something Victoria really meant to be kept Secret.