Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Before and After

The boys were long overdue for haircuts and while Cory has done a great job in the past at cutting their hair I decided to take them to a new kids place in Layton. It was a lot of fun the boys got to watch movies and play video games while they got their haircuts and got to put some of their hair in a cool machine when they were done and some prizes came out.

Spencer was a little hesitant at first, like he is with most things, but I just sat him in the chair and he held so still and was so good. They look so much better. Spencer's hair is so straight that when it's a little long it looks okay just kind of shaggy. Parker, on the other hand, cannot pull off the long hair. He wakes up every morning and it's just a hot mess and even after we comb it it's still struggling.

Yea for haircuts. Emilee we wish you lived closer:)