Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Standoff

We picked up Parker from school today and I had to drop some stuff off at the dry cleaners. I usually do the drive thru, but there was a truck parked there so I had to run in and Spencer didn't want to come in with us so I figured it wasn't a big deal it was 10 steps away and it would take us 1 minute maybe. We get back in and Spencer wants to get out and go in and I told him he missed his chance and we were heading home. This really ticked him off. When he got home I pulled him out kicking and screaming and he refused to come in the house.He sat there and kicked his shoes off. When I yelled for him to come in he made a break for it to the other side.
I kept checking out the window at him and he was just sitting there and then I looked out to see this. I thought I better get a closer look so I headed out. Fast asleep It's pretty tough being 3. It's tough on mom that is:) This whole event went on for an hour. I picked him up after I took this and he started thrashing around and ended up heading back out for a while. He eventually came it and sat on my lap and acted like nothing happened. I guess he had forgiven me.